It was a wonderful Friday. Dave walked to the office in high spirit with a broad and an infectious smile that signalled good news and lingered long on his face. His colleagues noticed the sharp change in his attitude and started poking their noses into his life to pester him to let out the secret of his happiness.
"My Pretty Empress has finally accepted my proposal", he revealed. "She is coming to visit me tomorrow and I can't wait to receive her. Tomorrow seems like a whole month for me", Dave added as his friends cheered him up and wished him well in love.
“My lady is coming! I have to leave now and pass by the mall to do some shopping”, he said to his friends as he started the ignition of his car and drove off the scene. The D-day finally came and it was a somewhat story. Her visit was without much happiness and a bit boring.
“So is that all?” the lady asked Dave. “You called several times wanting to see me but nothing was discussed, little laughter and a little achieved”, she said as she was leaving. The smile on Dave’s face disappeared at once.
In his sober reflections, he realized that he did not plan and prepare enough to make the visit a memorable one.
Today, we are all like Dave and the beautiful lady is the YEAR 2014. We are all expecting the year 2014 with much happiness and expectation. It is not enough to meet it. Those who plan now can make the most out of it with testimonies and achievements. If you do some lazy thinking and planning like Dave, you will be disappointed. The lady (YEAR 2014) will leave you and the little smiles on your face will disappear at once.
Good Morning!
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