1. Put to practice what you have seen,
heard, learned and received – (Phil 4:9). It is not enough to
hear about the mighty works of Christ through Pastors, Evangelists, Prophets and
other Preachers; it is not enough to see miracles and testimonies, it is not
enough to learn from the teachings; you have to receive them and put them into
2. Keep On With Your Generosity:
In verse 10,15 &16, Paul expressed his heartfelt appreciation about the
generosity of the Philippians who assisted him and gave freely even when he
left them and was ministering at Macedonia and Thessalonica. This act also, he
encouraged them to put into practice.

4. Total Reliance on God
(verse 13): Just as Paul totally relied on God and did amazing works, so did he
encourage the Philippians to totally rely on God. He said: “I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me”. By strength can we prevail in our Christian
journey. Put these things into practice and you see the glory of God in your
5. Care and share in one another’s
troubles (verse 14-15). The Philippians, a nursery church by
then, was the only church that continually and willingly shared and assisted
Paul when he left them and ministered in Macedonia and as far as Thessalonica.
Gal 6:9 stresses that we should not be weary in doing good to people especially
our Christian brothers and sisters. Put these things into Practice. Life gets
better when we live for others and have their welfare at heart.
6. Your offering goes to your personal
account (Verse 17-19): Paul stressed that all the
generosities of the church, their sacrifices, and offerings are not meant for
the benefit of pastors but what will be credited in their personal accounts. Any
time you want to sign a check through prayer and cash some blessings from
Heaven, first pause and check how much you have invested. Beloved, your account
must not show the red. Put to practice, the act of giving to support people.
7. God of peace will be with you (Verse
9): Beloved,
you have heard a lot, learned a lot, seen many wonders and miracles and seen a
lot more, but Paul said, put them into practice and the God of peace will be with
pray that the God of peace will be with you as you continually put to practice
all that you have learned, heard, seen and received. You must put these seven
things into practice and you will grow from level of faith and maturity to
for reading from www.ernestkojoakorli.blogspot.com.
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