“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” Henry Ford.

God has blessed us with family members, friends and neighbours. More often than not, these people play vital roles in our lives. The people we move with, connect and share ideas are very critical and have a parallel relationship to our destinations in life. Anybody at all in your life be it a family member or a friend plays one out of these three roles in your life. I will briefly discuss 3 major facts about the effects of associating with the people around us.
1. Progress: “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” Prov. 27:17. Your association with your friends and some strategic people must yield progress in developing your talents, potentials and the very best things in you. You have to reconsider the roles of your friends if you are still marking time in life.
2. Standstill: A life lived without progress is like the prisoner’s life. You hover around the same place all the time without any exponential growth. You can be working in the best environment but without progress for a considerable time period, your actual value begins to depreciate.
3. Retrogress: This is one of the worst stages in life. If you see yourself running down the slopping side of life and losing everything in life because of friends and some people in your life then you will have to reconsider your friendship and networks critically.
What to do
A life lived without evaluation is not worth living. It is therefore expedient to critically examine the roles of the people in your life because they can make you or mar your life.
1. Evaluate your friends and associates
2. Reposition them carefully if they no longer benefit to you.
3. Make new friends who will inspire you in relations to your dreams
4. Loyalty and commitment are the engines true and dedicated friendship
Don’t wait until you slip down the drain and waste your life. Do something about it now.
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