A negative mind will never produce a positive life.
A negative mind is like the trash can where all the trashes of life are kept.

A negative mind never attracts real beauty in life.
A negative mind will not attract great potentials in life.
A negative mind produces negative results.
The Bible implores us to be watchful of whatever we think OF which descends down into our heart. In Prov. 23:7, the Bible said as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. You are a product of your thoughts. The negative the thoughts, the worse life will be.
In Rom. 12:2, the Bible admonishes us to renew our minds. We cannot reach the next level with the same old and negative ways of thinking. It is worst to wake up each morning with a negative mind. This will affect your day and block your senses to see the positive and potentials in everything around you. You have the power and the ability to think right. Let's avoid the negative mind.
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