Friday, 7 March 2014


You cannot follow someone as your leader if there is nothing magnetic about him or her to attract your interest and the desire to stay with your leader. Jesus had many disciples since ages till now not because He was just a gentle and a handsome man but because we have seen something beyond the natural.

“This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him”, (John 2:11).

In the above scriptures, Jesus’ miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding ceremony solidifies the faith and hope of His disciples. They did not only believe Him as the son of God but had faith in Him.

It is very important to note that before someone can follow you as a leader that person might be attracted to your vision and destination and will like to be part of your success stories. Another integral element is the extra qualities of the leader to handle disturbances and situations to install peace and order. Jesus was able to handle the teething problem that nearly marred the beauty and happiness at the wedding.

The disciples had not seen Jesus done any miracle yet but they followed Him because of His vision. It was the first miracle that solidifies their faith. It is possible for someone to follow you and support your vision even without any achievement yet. The most important thing is a clear cut purpose life with definite actions.

It is very easy for someone to believe in you if you already have remarkable achievements but the one who first believe in you from the beginning and assisted you to choke the success is greatest of all. 

Monday, 3 March 2014


"The end of a thing is better than its beginning; the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit." (Eccl. 7:8)

Everything has a beginning in life. Beginnings can be very deceptive. Many great things have insignificant beginnings. Most of the times, the very things that men despise and reject at the beginning are the very ones that turn to be a great blessing to benefit generations. It is terrible to judge the end of someone when the end has not come yet. He who seems to be a nonentity today can turn around to be the most sought-after entity tomorrow.
In long distance athletics, a pacemaker typically hits the front and leads the race at record breaking speed for a number of laps. However, at the peak of the race, he or she just steps aside. Their job is done. That is when the real contenders step forward and compete for the gold. The pacemaker is not even a competitor and never plans to finish the race. His or her sole responsibility is to "guide" the eventual winner to possibly break the record. 

The "race" of life is a marathon and not a sprint. We must therefore be patient, consistent and committed from the start all the way to the end. Many of us fret and abandon our strategy because someone else seems to be ahead of us. Don't be intimidated by pacemakers. Their job is to prepare the grounds for your eventual victory. Focus on your big dream and with the enablement of God, patiently and diligently work your way to the front. You will finish this race and you will be victorious in Christ.

Beloved, never underestimate the power of your small beginning though it may look deceptive. Though the future may not be that clear to you, take a bold step and start it to finish it. There were so many women that had the faith to marry some men who were nobodies at the time they married but today, they are called the rich man’s wife. You don’t have to always get the full details.

Saturday, 1 March 2014


“I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also”, 2 Tim 1:5  

In every generation and in every family, God establishes his covenant with one person to carry the baton of faith and power. The Bible gives account of many godly women God used as vessels to mould, shape, impact and transform lives. In the text above, the Apostle Paul reminded young and frail Timothy of an irreplaceable spiritual legacy he had inherited from his mother Eunice which was passed down from the grandmother, Lois. The Apostle Paul’s call for Timothy to fan his gift into flames was a matter of urgency to prevent the fire from dying. A dying fire has serious consequences! 

Timothy was able to catch the fire at a youthful age and did exploit because he was fortunate to be trained in a godly way by his mother Eunice and grandmother, Lois. I want to draw your attention to the integral role of godly women in impacting generations. Society is woefully littered with many ungodly people who endanger the lives of the innocent ones. One can just imagine the kind of spirit transferred from the mothers to such people.

A godly woman first seeks to please the Lord and hereby transfers this spirit to her children. The godly woman will love her husband & children, be discreet, chaste, a keeper at home, a blessing, and obedient to her own husband. Godly women played outstanding roles in the ministry of Jesus, Moses and all men of God.  As Paul commended Phoebe in Rom 16:2 and the Deaconesses in 1 Tim 3:11 for their unflinching support in the ministerial work, so do I also implore you to be godly to be a vessel God will use to impact generations.

Remember, a man can only produce after his own kind. And to the single men, be careful whom you choose to marry. If she is not godly, then you can be assured of having ungodly children. Godliness is not attending church and speaking in tongues. It is character! If you are ungodly and a false worshipper, then your children may pick your secret character at the blind side of people. 

Abraham Lincoln once said: No man is poor who has a godly mother! May the Lord bless and keep you as you impact your generations!

Thanks for reading this article from Kindly visit for more interesting articles to nourish your soul. Please feel free to share with your friends and love ones or comment to add any lesson you have learnt. 


Beloved, I welcome you to the month of March. It is important to note that this month will end the first quarter of the year 2014. A lot can be achieved within three months. Research shows that about 70% of people normally forget their vision and what they prayed about during the beginning of each year.
I'm strongly of the belief that you are still marching forward without compromising the vision. As we start this month with full hope, it will be expedient to take stock of your life and evaluate your courses of action. You may ask yourself some few questions. 

  1. Am I on the right track and striving to achieve my vision for the year?
  2. Is there anything that I've forgotten and or not doing?
  3. What are the things that I can do daily, weekly and monthly to propel me closer to my dreams? 
  4. What do I need to sacrifice and acquire as a necessity? 

A life lived without evaluation is not worth living at all. Success cannot be put on auto pilot. It is rather a deliberate and a conscious efforts geared towards a particular goal. We cannot live our lives the same way we did last year and be expecting a different and a better result in this year. The strategies, ways of thinking and attitudes put up last year may not assist us to do much in this year if only we want a different and a better result. 

Let's amend our ways and march forward in the month of March to achieve that long awaited vision that is hidden in your mind and waiting to explode for the whole world to benefit. You can do much in the month of March!