One of the greatest gifts that God has given mankind is the mind. All the greatest and beautiful man-made things we see in the world first started as an idea conceived by just an individual. In fact, no one is created to be a nonentity. There is a divine purpose for creating everyone.

To have a change of mind is not something automatic. One does not just change his or her mind until something triggers it. A change in thinking doesn't happen on its own. Good ideas to transform lives and generations don't go out looking for people. If you want good ideas, you must search for it by conscious efforts. To be a better thinker, you must work at becoming one and not just a mere wishful thinking.
One of the maladies of our generation is static thinking. It is not easy to change one's mind but man must not be static. Changed thinking is difficult. In fact, Albert Einstein once said, "Thinking is a hard work; that is why only few do it". Thinking is difficult and one needs discipline and conscious efforts to think. Most of the problems of today's generation were as a result of the lazy thinking our forefathers did. The disaster that awaits our children's generation is worst if we don't think of doing something for posterity.
One of the greatest investments in the world is to change one's thinking pattern for exploits. We cannot solve today's problems with the same old ways of thinking. Napoleon Hills once said, "More gold has been mind from the thoughts of men than has ever been taken from the earth".

Finally, the Bible entreats us in Rom 12:2 to renew our minds. Treat this as an emergency if only you want your ideas to leave the abstract stage into realities and fulfillment. Remember, Prov. 23:7 says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". Negative thinking has never produced any positive life. If only you can imagine it and put it to practice, then you can achieve it. Nothing is more self satisfying than your own act of creative thinking to put smiles on the faces of people. You must change your thinking now!!!!
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