Friday, 9 January 2015


Many people are fasting and praying against enemies of their progress in the year 2015. I'm sure some will kill their enemies if they know them or perhaps, pray that God kills them. But many people are their own enemies unknowingly.
a. Your indecisiveness 
b. Time wasting attitudes  
c. Inactions & laziness
d. Deceits 
d. Unfaithfulness 
e. Blatant lies 
f. Evil and negative thoughts
g. Lukewarm attitudes towards the things of God, etc...

These are the real enemies and we permit them ourselves. Before you pray against your enemies, pause and check. You might be praying against yourself. The only person that can stop you from moving forward is you, yourself. 

Witches and wizards have no authority over you if you do not hate yourself and permit them to attack your progress. Any time we indulge ourselves in sin, we open the gates of our protection to the devil to capitalize on our weaknesses and sins to cause much havoc. In the year 2015, let's take stock of our own lives. 

Remember, the enemy on the inside of you that impedes your progress is more dangerous than the one you are fasting and praying against. 

Thanks for reading this article. Please feel free to share with your friends. 

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